Tree Care

The first step in Tree Care is… Caring ABOUT them.

Here at Cross Cut Tree…support Maintenance is rooted deep inside us. We honestly care for trees and it reveals. Call Today: (317) 519-2192

Considering that the very first tree set its own origins centuries back they’ve evolved and adapted to increase in forested surroundings where nutrients are plentiful, and stress is constrained. So obviously they have a tough time acclimating into our urban surroundings as well as the pressures we place on them. In a wood, decomposing leaves and dropped twigs provide the tree with essential nourishment and unnecessary branches are pruned off by Mother Nature. But that isn’t true with trees. They frequently compete with shrubs and lawns for nourishment and branches increase in directions which are not desired. Mother Nature still does her pruning but rather than the forest floor, it is usually homes and automobiles the branches drop onto.

We know trees and we understand just what they need to flourish and succeed in a metropolitan setting. Rooted deep inside us is the belief that to offer tree care, you need to really care about the shrub. Our mission is straightforward. Do what is ideal for your tree. Our purpose is to leave the tree greater than we found it. Our tree maintenance specialists do all possible to enhance the tree’s health and prolong its lifetime. We constantly keep the trees demands in your mind and treat it with respect. That in conjunction with our expertise makes us the ideal alternative for your tree care needs. We honestly care for trees and all our ISA certified arborists and tree care professionals are educated in the human anatomy, biology, and structure of trees.

licensed and insured

Choosing the correct tree care organization is most likely the most essential and sometimes the toughest step in the shrub maintenance procedure for homeowners. There are. The last time we counted that there were well over 400 from the corner region. So just how is a homeowner to understand who to pick. It is difficult to sort through countless tree solutions with each the creative advertising tactics and purchase gimmicks now. Cross Cut tree support is a business which has built a reputation over the decades of being the caretakers of Raleigh’s glorious trees. You could always depend on us to properly take care of your tree. We don’t use sales strategies and we don’t advocate unnecessary services. We’re honest and amazing with all trees what else would you want.

Insured and Bonded Licensed and Equipped. Call Today: (317) 519-2192

Listed below are a few of the tree maintenance service which we supply.

1) Tree test, review
2) Tree pruning / Tree Trimming
3) Deep Root Fertilization
4) Organic fertilization with worm castings
5) Soil testing and amending
6) Tree disorder identification and management
7) Insect identification and control
8) Root collar excavations (RCX)
9) Root zone de-compaction and origin attention
10) Pre and post construction site direction
11) Annual house tests with written document
12) Mulching
13) Tree planting
14) Tree transferring
15) Tree cabling/Bracing

We respect and love trees. In the mightiest oak to the smallest dogwood we adore all of them. Yes, the Sweetgums and Pines. Did you realize that shrub pruning increases the life expectancy of a shrub and decreases the odds of division and entire tree collapse ?

Tree pruning is the most common tree maintenance procedure and can be immensely beneficial. As it’s so common its significance can be overlooked. At a forested surroundings trees grow well with just Mother nature’s pruning. But trees in urban surroundings such as Raleigh need more attention and care. Periodic trimming and pruning are vital for all these urban trees. Pruning is essential to keep structural integrity and enhance aesthetics and must be accomplished by an individual who knows the physiology and chemistry of a shrub. Improper pruning processes can cause lasting damage and enhance the tree’s life expectancy. Each cut that’s made has the capability to modify the growth pattern of the tree and only one error can ruin the whole tree.

Cross Cut Tree Service tree support is devoted to supplying suitable pruning. First and foremost, we can constantly keep the trees well being in mind. Ahead of pruning, the arborist will inspect the crown of this tree and determine which branches will need to be eliminated. While pruning to satisfy the trees present needs, we’ll also keep the trees potential expansion in mind. We realize how trees grow and what affects their development patterns so we’re able to divert future expansion the direction we need it to proceed.

Insured and Bonded Licensed and Equipped

There are lots of reasons for pruning trees.

We prune for security we prune for aesthetics we prune trees to improve clearance. No matter the purpose or motive Cross Cut Tree Service tree support is your ideal selection for trimming and pruning in the Indianapolis, IN area. Raising and Enhancing has become the most frequent type of pruning which we’re asked to execute. This kind of pruning typically eliminates the branches from a tree to offer clearance for vehicles, buildings and pedestrians. Additionally, it contains decreasing the spread of a shrub to give additional lateral clearance into buildings.

Cleanup is the overall procedure for trimming and pruning trees. It’s the elimination of dead, dying, diseased, crossing, badly attached, and sterile branches in the crown of a tree. Thinning is the practice of removing branches to enhance the construction of a tree and to improve light penetration and air movement through the crown. Suitable thinning opens the leaves of a tree, reduces weight on thick limbs, and helps maintain the tree’s natural form. Thinning ought to be focused on the outer parts of the duplex, leaving as many branches around the inside crown as you can.

Reduction lessens the magnitude of a tree, frequently for utility line thickness. Reducing a tree’s height or spread is best achieved by pruning back the leaders and division terminals into secondary branches which are big enough to assume that the terminal functions (at least forty the width of the cut stem). In comparison to topping, decrease helps preserve the shape and structural integrity of this shrub. This really is the most.

tree care

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is generally the last step from the tree removal procedure. Normally the tree removal crew will depart the rest of the stump 4-6 inches above the floor for your stump grinder to look after. Stump grinders are available in all sizes and shapes. Some stump grinders possess paths, and a few has wheels. A few stump grinding machines are controlled by means of a remote controller and some are controlled by grips on the device. All of stump grinders use exactly the identical procedure for grinding. There’s a rotating cutting wheel on the front part of the machine which has carbide teeth attached to it. When the Stump grinder has been maneuvered into place the wheel is going to be engaged along with the milling will commence.

Once engaged the cutter wheel will return and forth within the stump. It’ll grind approximately 2 inches at one time. The normal stump is going to be grinded into a depth of 6-8 inches below the grade. Following the stump grinding procedure is done each the mulch will be raked into a heap and left to repay. If you’re thinking about installing new or weeds shrubs and trees, you’ll have to remove the mulch.

Deep Root Tree Fertilization

Deep root fertilization is significant for trees which live and grow urban and surroundings such as Indianapolis Since these trees tend to be susceptible to conditions that strain the shrub such as Nutrient deficiency, soil compaction, low moisture availability, physical harm, structure, and competition from grass and other trees and shrubs. Stressed trees are a lot more likely to fall prey to insect attacks, illness, fungus and other autoimmune ailments that can kill the tree. Fertilizing your tree can keep it healthy and vigorous. The deep root fertilization system we use is excellent for trees which are in demand of nourishment and extra pore area in the dirt. The most noteworthy are, although there are advantages to root regeneration. Immediate source of nutrients that are essential for famished trees– Our deep root fertilization applications are custom developed to your tree’s requirements. A soil sample will be required to correctly measure the present micro and macro nutrients from the soil. After we’ve decided the soil construction and present nutrient content, we’ll understand how to fix the soil to help the shrub. We’ll make a custom mix liquid fertilizer option to inject to the trees crucial root zone. We can give traditional fertilizers and organic fertilizers too which are made from worm castings. All heavy root shots are implemented in a high psi between two to eight inches deep. This is the point where the fibrous roots which are responsible for nutrient uptake are.

tree care


Improved pore area for root growth – Tree roots have difficulty growing in compacted dirt, they want loose dirt using open pores. The trees roots require oxygen to survive, which required oxygen is generally found in the pores of the ground. After the ground under a shrub is compacted it suffocates the roots and restricts their capacity to transfer essential nutrients and water into the tree. When we execute a deep root regeneration, it will help create fresh pore area and alleviates compaction problems. We begin by mixing a custom mix liquid fertilizer. We then inject this solution to the floor using a deep root injection needle. This needle is intended to take the fertilizer to the ground in a high speed of pressure. The liquid solution loosens the dirt and the pressure makes it expand, making new pores. 100% Customer Satisfaction

Soil Repair

The most critical threat to tree health in an urban setting would be dirt compaction. Often occasions building, pedestrian traffic, fresh landscaping, and a variety of different items may result in soil compaction. Soil conditions are incredibly significant to root growth and therefore are usually a direct manifestation of a tree’s health. Nutrient rich un-compacted lands possess plenty of open spaces and tiny voids within the soil structure. All these voids and distances are generally known as pores. These pores are in which fibrous roots grow and thrive. The stalks of a shrub are liable for as many as 90 percent of the tree’s water and nutrient uptake. Gently breathe and absorb nutrients and water through those pores. When compaction happens, it reduces and occasionally completely eradicates pore area in the dirt. Because of this, the origins are suffocated and not able to transport nutrients and water into the tree. Typically, the tree is going to be transmitted to a mortality spiral and perish.

Listed below are solutions that may help in relieving compaction and restoring tree wellbeing. All services are done with our specially designed atmosphere tool which uses compressed air to remove dirt from all over the roots without damaging them.

Root Collar Excavation (RCX)

A root collar excavation is a very simple procedure that’s done together with our specially designed atmosphere driven excavation tool. The instrument utilizes compressed air about 90-120 PSI to crack dirt clumps and compacted layers inside the ground. When the soil was excavated to a depth of 6-12 inches that the origin collar is going to be exposed. This procedure isn’t simply an excellent way to decrease compaction, it’s also a process that lets us inspect the root canal of a shrub for flaws. Most root collar excavations are just performed in the immediate region of the tree trunk. This is the place where the root collar is located.

Radial Trenching

Radial trenching utilizes the exact same standard air driven extraction techniques as a RCX. The vital difference between an RCX and radial trenching is that the region where the dirt extraction is concentrated. An RCX eliminates each the dirt surrounding the back of a tree1-4 foot in the back. Radial trenching uses channels that stretch out from the back to the edge of the tree’s canopy or dripline. Trench patterns could be contrasted to bike spokes. The spacing between the trenches in addition to their length depends on the seriousness of this compaction or cause of the trenching. Trenches can be dispersed 8-10 feet apart or over an area where only minor harm has occurred and may be as close as 1 foot apart on badly compromised sites.

Soil Amendments

Almost as essential as the aeration method is that the re-installation of sterile soil. After pruning compacted soil it’s crucial to make the required alterations into the soil profile and structure. A fantastic healthier soil is comprised of 5 percent organic substance, 50% pore area, and 45% minerals like sand, dirt, clay, and stones. Taking a soil sample to test the nutrient content is always suggested. When the soil investigation is finished, a custom mix of nutrients could be inserted into the dirt together with valuable fungi and germs such as mycorrhizae. Our certified arborists are specialists in identifying soil deficiencies and creating the required repairs.


It’s very important to put in a fresh layer of organic mulch following the aeration and change processes. Mulch helps trees in lots of ways. When correctly set up, mulch can help tree roots maintain moisture, help in moderating temperature extremes, supply nourishment, decrease potential compaction, and much more. Mulch should normally be spread no longer than 3 inches deep.

Cabling and Bracing

The old expression “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link” could be true for trees too. A tree is just as strong as its weakest marriage. An overwhelming majority of back, crown and branch failures are correlated with a weak place in the point of collapse. Contain bark, co-dominant stalks and stalks are simply a couple of common issues that plague trees. Most everybody knows the exploding character of Bradford Pear trees. The codominant nature of this Bradford induces the branches to develop
collectively and consequently an area of bark grows and makes a weak marriage. This is a prime case of structural problems that could happen with trees. There are many distinct flaws, factors and conditions that could compromise a trees structural integrity.

tree care

Our Isa certified arborists are specialists in identifying these aggravating factors. Once a structural flaw is recognized, a shrub can most frequently have a supplemental aid system set up to mitigate the threat. Each circumstance is unique and will need the experience and expertise of an Arborist familiarized with cabling, bracing, guying and other service systems. Listed here are a few examples of common structural difficulties and kinds of systems we set up to alleviate the issue.

Frequent Structural Issues

Co-dominant stems – This really is the most frequent structural flaw found in trees. The term co-dominant is self-explanatory. Simply put, it means a couple of stalks dominate or share the exact same base. This is not necessarily a terrible thing. When scrutinizing the marriage point, we assess for many things. The very first thing we consider is the form of the region where the stems meet. In the event the marriage is in a V-shape it’s an indication of rivalry between the stalks and bad development of glue wood. When it’s a U form there is less cause for concern. When scrutinizing V shaped crotches or marriages, we examine the union line “Branch bark ridge” in arborist speak. An upturn on the form is an indication that there isn’t any bark addition and an inward twist is signals of ark addition. A marriage with excess swelling is an indication of reaction development. In addition, we check for indicators of oozing sap or bubbles of corrosion that would further boost the likelihood of collapse.

Cracks in marriages

Cracks may develop in codominant marriages. They are tough to spot and may go unnoticed for several years. Scar tissue in marriages is a clear indication of a fracture which has started to heal. This scar tissue simply aids the circulatory system seal itself off and isn’t an indication of this tree’s structural wood recovery. High end will frequently cause fractures in a marriage. Cavities- Holes in limbs, branches or trunks are weak points. These regions can happen for many different factors. Old pruning wounds which don’t heal over, winterization fractures, insect entry points and decay organisms are a couple of. When the inside of a tree is exposed it’s going to start to rust. This will result in a structural lack in that region of the tree.


Holes in limbs, branches or trunks are weak points. These regions can happen for many different factors. Old pruning wounds which don’t heal over, winterization fractures, insect entry points and decay organisms are a couple of. When the inside of a tree is exposed it’s going to start to rust. This will result in a structural lack in that region of the tree.

Kinds of service Systems

Cabling: Tree cabling can be used to encourage a shrub which has a structural flaw, like a codominant marriage, crack, pit or alternative aggravating element. When wind pushes against the top parts of the canopy it considerably increases the quantity of pressure and pressure on the weak place and may make it fail. Cabling prevents the higher force by procuring the parts of the shrub to other people.

There are two main kinds of cabling systems.

Static Cabling — Extra High power (EHS) steel cable which has no sacrifice and can be employed in systems that are static. The cable is generally secured to the tree with metal eye hooks, lag bolts or cable stops. Static systems are often installed when little to no motion of this crown is wanted.

The initial step in installing a static cabling process is determining the specific point where the wires will be installed. Supplemental support wires are set up 2/3–3/4 of space between the crotch and the top of the tree or at the conclusion of the branch. After the location depends upon the screws are installed. There are 3 common kinds of fasteners. Eye bolts, threaded lag pins and cable stops. We favor the cord stop connectors. In case an eye bolt or cable stop is utilized a hole has to be drilled and the pole or cable added. If burnout pins are the sort of anchor they could just be screwed into the tree. The cable will be quantified cut and installed after the holes have been drilled.

Dynamic Cabling – Dynamic systems utilize a braided specialization rope with flexible qualities to permit for motion. As trees go with the end, they assemble more timber. Dynamic systems are an excellent proactive system to reduce failure but might not be the very best for mitigating a tree which has already started to neglect.


Bracing is usually done in near proximity to the crotch or marriage. It’s a straight forward procedure. The very first step is to ascertain the quantity and dimensions of the sticks required to correctly support the weight of those stressed components. If the tree has a substantial quantity of separation a come- together or alternative tensioning apparatus is going to be employed to close the fracture. After that’s done, holes will be drilled all the way through the back (s). The holes are often 1/16 inch bigger than the pole which will be set up this will guarantee a snug fit. After the holes have been drilled, then the threaded steel pole is going to be inserted all the way through the back(s) and secured with nuts and washers. Cabling can be done together with bracing.

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We Know Trees Quality Indianapolis Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Removal & Grinding for over 25 years.

Call Today: (317) 519-2192